حضانات المنهج الفرنسى

حضانة دريم لاند
الدفنة ، قطر

Dream Land Nursery Is a British-French Pre-School Situated in the Heart of Doha. We provide high quality day care and early education for children aged 2 months through 4 years old. We follow both the British Early years foundation stage curriculum and the French curriculum, giving parents the optio

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حضانة كادل كاسل

تطوق حضانتنا لتوفير المكان المناسب للعناية بأطفالكم حيث لا يعاني الأهل من القلق حول نظافة الطفل و صحته. قلعتنا تحتوي أطفالها و تضمهم بحنان أقرب الى بيوتهم حيث لايشعرون بالغربة أو الملل أو الإختلاف قلعة يشعر بها الطفل بالسعادة والأمان والحنان. المكان المناسب حيث يتلقى أيضا الأهل الإرشاد و التوعية

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حضانة الامير الصغير
,الخليج الغربي,الدفنة

Our warm, friendly and happy home from home environment enables where each child is encouraged to reach their full potential through praise, sensitivity and mutual respect.

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حضانة برايم روز 2
West Bay

Primrose Nursery has Each room offers interesting and varied experiences appropriate to the child’s age and development incorporating indoor and outdoor opportunities. Children can work and play as individuals but also as a group with their friends;

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حضانة الري
Rawdat Al Hamama

The future belongs to people who will be able to marry high creativity and imagination with a hunger for knowledge and learning. We believe that the best way of developing these in young children is a combination of free and structured play, in beautiful and engaging preschool learning environments,

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روضة برمنغهام

Are you looking for birmingham international kindergarten in Qatar. Do you need all the information about birmingham international kindergarten in Qatar. birmingham international kindergarten in Qatar is one of the best nurseries & kindergartens in Qatar & sure we will give you need all the informat

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روضة البندا الصغير

روضة البندا الصغير

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حضانات المنهج الفرنسى

حضانات المنهج الفرنسى 