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مركز بسمة أمل لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

Al Waab


معلومات عنا

Basma center of hope for people with special needs 

The center has been equipped with the latest tools and capabilities that enable it to achieve its objectives in upgrading these children, The center includes an evaluation section and a section for pronunciation, speech , and a section for the rehabilitation of the motor and the Department of Career therapy and sensory integration and theDepartment of Skills Development and the Department of Behavior Modification hall covered with instruments Almhartah sports equipment and recreational games and classes for children swimming swimming

Center Sections

Basma Center contain hope for people with special needs the following sections:

- Evaluation Section

- Communication department (treatment of speech problems and speech and language).

- Alsakomotr section (kinesthetic self).

- Sensory integration department.

- Department of Occupational Therapy ( OT ).

- Merging sections (rows at the highest level).

- Department of learning difficulties and slow learning and underachievement and hyperactivity.

- Swimming pool rehabilitation kinesthetic and entertainment.

- Hall covered include (Tools Mhartah and sports equipment and recreational games)


Our experts are the secret of our excellence

- Special education specialists.

- Specialist speech therapy and speech.

- Specialists learning difficulties.

- Occupational therapy specialists.

- Locomotor rehabilitation specialists.

- Specialist skills development.

- Behavior modification specialists (psychological).

- Swimming coach.

- Teachers and classroom teachers.

- Aid.


Basma be a center of hope for people with special needs in Qatar perfect qualifying organization that wins the trust of the community in various denominations stemming from the efficiency of the center and its ability to achieve its objectives in upgrading our children with special needs.

The center has been equipped with the latest tools and capabilities that enable it to achieve its objectives in upgrading these children, The center includes an evaluation section and a section for pronunciation, speech , and a section for the rehabilitation of the motor and the Department of Career therapy and sensory integration and theDepartment of Skills Development and the Department of Behavior Modification hall covered with instruments Almhartah sports equipment and recreational games and classes for children swimming swimming


The Message Center To Provide Proper Rehabilitative Environment And Programs And Integrated Services For Various Disabilities Within The State Of Qatar In Order To Rehabilitate These Children In Various Areas (Language - Motor - Skills - Behavioral - Cognitive - ...... ..) In Pursuit Of The Ultimate Objective Of The Center, Which ( (Merger)), Which Means The Transfer Of Children From The Rehabilitation Center To The General Education Schools To Become Active In The Community Category Later.

- And every child gets the rehabilitative services that is needed after undergoing a comprehensive evaluation by a team at the highest level of commitment and efficiency from the moment of joining the center.

- As we seek to reach a helping hand to parents guiding them and helping them to understand the problems and challenges facing their children, and to provide training services for mothers to become qualified to deal with their children, which contributes positively to improve their level.

- Spreading the culture of disability in society through cooperation with various community organizations interested in the affairs of this category of children.

- Hoping to draw a smile on the faces of these children and their families and society as a   whole.

